Eat ‘n About Facebook is here!!

Well folks, we’re a little (okay, maybe a LOT) late to the party on this one.  Little did you know, Eat ‘n About does have a Facebook page…it’s just been severely neglected 🙁  But that’s all about to change, starting today!  Like and follow our page to keep up to date with content you won’t […]

Nuba (Kitsilano) & the Ra Energy 7 day challenge

A couple of weeks ago Wendy and I attended the Ra Energy product launch at Nuba in Kitsilano.  Ra Energy is a local company that produces seed mixtures to top your favourite foods with to add texture, flavour, and nutritional value.  Ra comes in garlic, plain, and naturally sweet varieties.  They teamed up with Nuba […]

Handi Cuisine of India (Burnaby)

Update: This restaurant has closed. Before we get to Handi Cuisine of India I’d like to say a few words about lazymeal.  For those of you not yet familiar with lazymeal, it’s an online food ordering platform that is focused on recommending the tastiest meals in greater Vancouver.  It’s simple, just punch in your postal […]

El Pulgarcito

We were on the block of Hastings which El Pulgarcito inhabits because we were trying to get into Bo Laksa King for a late lunch, another authentic foreign food experience that we reviewed.  You can read our review of Bo Laksa here.  Alas, that day we arrived during Bo Laksa’s mid-afternoon closing period in the […]

The Sandwich Nazi @ La Charcuterie Delicatessen

After months and months of pestering I finally agreed to take the drive down to Port Kells (Surrey area) to visit the notorious Sandwich Nazi at La Charcuterie Deli.  Hitman’s been there multiple times before and raved of the humor and amount of food you get for less than $10.  Less than $8 to be […]

Bocuse d’Or Test Kitchen Tasting with Chef Alex Chen

Wendy was extremely excited to receive an invitation for us to attend an exclusive tasting event for Canada’s entry into the Bocuse d’Or.  For those who haven’t heard of it this biannual competition is an international event held in Lyon, France and will take place on January 29th and 30th this year.  It’s one of […]

Dine Out Vancouver 2013: Judas Goat Taberna

Update: This restaurant has closed. Wendy and I managed to secure a reservation on Dine Out Vancouver‘s opening night this year for one of the more intriguing of the $18 menu hosts; Judas Goat Taberna in Gastown.  For those unfamiliar with the Dine-Out concept, it’s a 17-day annual food festival where many local restaurants set […]