This is Part 5 of our New York Food Adventures! Check out the rest!
Going along with the hype that is the Momofuku empire, our next stop after pork ramen was of course Milk Bar, which was close by. We’re in New York, we HAD to see what the hype’s about. Damn you (social) media!
We had already planned on sharing most of our treats so we won’t over eat, and had planned on the infamous Cereal Milk Soft Serve ($5.50 USD/cup). But once we saw that they also have a Chocolate Covered Pretzel flavor, we knew we had to get it in a twist to get both flavors in one go. We also got the cereal topping for $1 more (which brought the total of this treat cup to a whopping $9.50 CAD).
The cereal topping was marvelous! It was crunchy and salty and added great texture and flavor. They also put a lot on.
So the Cereal Milk soft serve is supposed to “tastes just like the milk at the bottom of a bowl of cornflakes!”. I’m not getting too much of it…not sure if my tastebuds were altered by the cereal topping or because there’s chocolate mixed in. AngryRussian says it does taste like that though.
The chocolate covered pretzel portion also just tasted like chocolate to me. The salty topping probably negated any saltiness of the soft serve flavor. For this treat as a whole, I was more impressed with the topping.
Still I had to go back for a piece of their Crack Pie ($6 USD). My first taste of anything “crack bar” related was actually on the island at this place called CakeBread. Then there’s the version from Purebreads. One of my coworkers also makes a mean one. So this is definitely not my first crack bar rodeo.
I had quite high expectations for Milk Bar’s Crack Pie. The recipe calls for 8 egg yolks to make the filling smooth and gooey and fudge-like. In a way it was, but I found the layer of “fondant” too thin for me to really appreciate the creaminess. I even left it out to room temperature but still, not enough.
Don’t get me wrong, this was yummy and all…how could it not be? With the amount of butter and sugar in this thing it’s got to be! Just didn’t quite live up to the price (a whole pie would’ve been $48USD!). I conclude that this crack pie is mostly hype.
Lastly, again due to the influential nature of television (Masterchef again), when I saw that I can get just a slice of the revered Birthday Cake ($9 USD/slice), I had to get it.
As I had already expected even while deciding to get it, I knew I was going to be disappointed, and I was.
This cake really isn’t anything spectacular. This slice isn’t even pretty. I don’t even like rainbow sprinkles!! This was a very normal, mediocre cake attached to a very famous, expensive name. Funnily we were even watching the Netflix program “Chef’s Table” with the feature on Christina Tosi while eating this, and they mentioned something about how amazing the cake is and I commented, while eating it, “it’s really not…”.
So, in essence, I paid up to the hype and that’s about it. I wasn’t wowed by anything in particular, and just like with Momofuku, I won’t need to come back again.
This is Part 5 of our New York Food Adventures! Check out the rest!