My sister brought this back as one of the souvenirs from when she flew to Georgia for a convention. She thought it would be something I’ll be interested in and she was right.
I had to open them right away since she wanted deperately to try them (and I thought they were for me!!). From opening the box I could smell the aroma of strawberries. However, it was the “fake” scent that is always used in strawberry flavored candies. It was sweet and tart.
The box says “Soft Right Out of the Box” so I was equally eager to try them. I’ve always preferred soft, chewy taffy-like candies to hard candies.
Much to my dismay, these were not soft at all. They were crunchy like how crunchy caramel is like. I’m not sure if it’s because these are old and stale (hmmm…it DOES say “Since 1901” at the top though…). There was no best before date on them. Taste-wise, they were sweet and tart, just like how they smelt. Overall they’re great tasting. Would’ve been better if they were soft candies like they were advertised though.