I’m always on the lookout for a good Chinese-style dessert place. Boyfriend’s mom told me one day about a new place that opened up near the public market that does just that.
Chinese-style desserts are hard to find here. Most of the time the only encounter you have is at a Chinese restaurant where they serve you red bean soup (I personally hate that stuff) or the powdered stuff you can buy at supermarkets, and the selection there is limited also (it’s always Black Sesame Paste). Unquestionably, I was excited about this bit of news.
They are located just diagonally from Richmond Public Market at the intersection of Buswell and Saba, across from the Pho place at the corner.
I saw the Chinese menu sign on their storefront and I quickly realized that they’ve actually been around for a while, but only at the yearly Richmond Summer Night Market. I liked them then and I’m glad they’re finally able to open a permanent location for my occasional Chinese dessert fix.
As you can see the place is pretty brightly lit. There are about 4-5 small 4-person tables to either side of the ordering counter. We opted to order takeout tonight. Service seemed friendly.
There is only one page worth of options for dessert. They also have a snacks menu with items such as chicken wings and the such.
What I was really interested in was the various “sweet soups” they offer (they call them ‘paste’ here, but I don’t like how that word infers the consistency of the stuff), notably the Walnut Paste 合桃糊.

Well this is it! I noticed that this WAS freshly grounded as stated by the first 2 Chinese characters on the menu (since it took a while to get our stuff). It was great. It wasn’t cornstarchy as I thought it might be to make it thick. It was very aromatic of walnuts and the consistency was very very smooth. Apparently walnut is good for your eyes and brain! Sweetness was just right also. I really enjoyed this.
Boyfriend, on the other hand, does not have as big an appreciation for desserts as I do (is that a guy thing?). Because of that, I ordered for him (also since I wanted to try this myself!). This is Pumpkin Tapioca/Sago Cream 南瓜西米露 served cold. It was interesting that it was served in a cup, as this type of stuff is usually served in a bowl. Maybe it would be it if were hot.
We enjoyed this too. Their tapioca/sago were slightly sweetened and very very chewy, just the way I like them. Pumpkin flavor could have been more intense though, if only they had added a little more. The taste was there though, just not enough.
Overall I am very satisfied with this place, and I will for sure visit them again.