And so again, Wendy and I head out to Vancouver to visit more Olympic sights and see if there were any more Migas, Quatchi, MukMuk items for sale. On our way there, we wanted to visit Copa Restaurant since we’ve heard good stuff about it. Ironically, it’s because of the Olympics that parking on Cambie has been disallowed. Furthermore, the inner streets all required a permit to park. So that leaves us with no choice but to head to Menya.
The place was quite full when we got there. It was raining and quite cool so perhaps people wanted to have nice bowl of ramen to stay cozy and warm. We quickly ordered two items, no drinks to kick off food for the day.
Wendy had the Shoyu Ramen. There seems to have been not a lot of noodles included this time. The meat was satisfactory but Wendy found the soup not as good as last time. It was as strong as before and had a slight sour taste to it. Not quite sure what to make of it, but the entire experience was alright but could have been miles better.
Strangely enough, I ordered a Chinese (Shanghai food specifically) offering, the Tan-Tan Noodle. It is supposed to be heavy in sesame for the soup base and spicy. The menu listed it with THREE chili ‘icons’ to let me know it might light my tongue on fire. Good thing for me was that it did not. It was mildly spicy, I sweated a little, but nothing spectacular. I had enough noodles to fill me up and the topping had a mix of onion and shreadded pork meat. This was surprisingly good as I usually have little to no hope of a quality Chinese product in a non-Chinese restaurant. I particularly liked the special spoon to allow me to grab the topping left at the bottom of the bowl at the end. That is something you don’t see everyday.
It was good fun at Menya’s. Wendy’s dish was a bit disappointing but my Tan-Tan Noodle was pretty good. The service was alright and friendly. When we come close to Cambie and Broadway, we probably will be dropping by.