I’ve heard about JJ Bean from GRock a while ago, and I didn’t really know what the fuss was. More googling however got me intrigued about their mocha, as it seems like they make the best one in town.
My first visit was to the Main Street location, I didn’t try their mocha, as I went their for lunch I thought I’d splurge on food instead. I got the Stout Braised Beef Sandwich (~$9) which came with a little salad, which I thought was a nice touch. I wonder if I had gotten it to-go, whether the salad would’ve come with. Dining in, they also heat up the sandwich on a panini press.
Temperature-wise, the sandwich should’ve been on the press longer…as the beef in the middle was still kind of chilly. I would say though that there was a decent amount of stout-braised beef from Two Rivers in between the rye ciabatta bun. There was also supposed to be tomato chutney, arugula and horseradish mayo, but really since there was so much meat, the only other thing I could taste was the arugula.
On another visit, I decided to take Fannypack to the False Creek location after a morning run in that area.
Fannypack got her usual Soy Latte (~$4-5) and I got a regular size Iced Mocha (~$5).
The soy latte was creamy and rich. So was the iced mocha. It was very chocolatey but also very sweet, despite having it made with half the amount of syrup. Can’t imagine how sweet full syrup will be. I will still get this again next time, but with maybe quarter syrup?
I haven’t had much breakfast yet that day so I also got a Ham and Swiss Turnover ($4) which I got heated up. It was buttery and flaky and savory. Small, not really filling, but good enough for the time being.
JJ Bean is definitely the place to go to if you feel like splurging on coffee and coffee shop products, and you’re tired of Starbucks. They don’t have as big a selection but I guess that only means they really focus on their coffee? I’m not really a coffee connoisseur so I can’t speak for the quality, but I’ll take their word for it. However I did find that their regular drip coffee tasted quite sour, but maybe that acidity is a property that’s much revered? Personally I can’t say I like it.

If you love coffee, you will never again buy the over priced, over processed coffee from the place that starts with “S”. I’ve never had food at JJ, but the coffee is local and delicious – my espresso maker would probably rebel with any other type of bean! I’ll try some food next time!
You bring up a good point! For those that care about buying local, JJ Bean WOULD be a great choice since their prices are very similar and their food are mostly sourced locally!