♥ Valentine Adventures ♥ (White Tower and r. tl)

***Update: Please see end of post for SocialShopper’s reply*** Update: White Tower Robson and r. tl are both now (not at all surprisingly) closed. We had quite an interesting Valentine’s celebration last weekend, with a few mishaps along the way…so to bring you guys the juicy (no, not that juicy) details we decided to collaborate on […]

Arashiyama 嵐山

One of our excursion during out time in Kyoto was to the district of Arashiyama 嵐山.  It was a touristy, extremely picturesque destination with a lovely river running between two small mountains.  A bridge connects the two sides. A semi-hidden attraction is the natural bamboo forest.  For L and I it took a little bit to […]

Surrey Fusion Fest

Anyone else went to the Surrey Fusion Fest over the summer?  It was held over the weekend of July 16-17 and it’s basically a mini world cuisine/cultural event that included many food stalls and cultural presentations such as Korean drumming, belly-dancing, etc.  The big-ticket event was the 9pm show Sunday night featuring Jay Sean.  Bedouin […]

Miura Waffle Milk Bar

Update: This restaurant has moved location. When SheShe saw my Facebook album of the foods I ate in Japan, she was especially intrigued by the waffles over there.  So apparently she feverishly googled for a local source of Japanese-style waffle.  Miura Waffle Milk Bar was what she found. It’s located near Yaletown but I thought […]

Guu with Garlic

Oh Guu~~ I always have such a good time at your place!  What’s your secret? For this particular visit, I’m sure the culprit must be the pitcher of Aloe Vera Mojito ($16.5) shared among two girls.  Yep.  That must be it. This was refreshing.  I liked chewing on the mint leaves but there really aren’t […]

Sabai Thai

A friend from Surrey repaid a favor by taking me out for Thai dinner (actually I might’ve made him buy me dinner LOL…).  He suggested Sabai Thai from the Guildford area as he’s been there before and they seem authentic, as in it’s actually owned and operated by Thai’s. We had quite an early dinner […]

Random Eatings – Kyoto, Japan

Here’s just some more pictures from the rest of the food I ate in Kyoto.  This will be quite the wordless post.  Sorry~ This is from the food department at Daimaru 大丸 department store.  Fujiya 不二家 here in Canada is mostly known for their milky caramel candy.  There they have complete restaurants (which I’ll get […]

Genzou 元蔵 – Nishiki 錦市場 Kyoto, Japan

One of the must-visit streets of Kyoto is Nishiki 錦市場, which is basically a long wet-market corridor.  It’s mostly food, seafood and produce sold here but they have some souvenir shops also.  But mostly, just food. Nishiki, and Kyoto, are known for their preserved pickled vegetables.  The Japanese (and Asian) version of pickles are more […]

Granville Island Tea Company: Best Masala Chai!

So after the failed Spot Prawn Festival visit, Pretty Sis and I just decided to head to Granville Island for a stroll.  Trying out GoFish was out of the question too as that line up was probably the same length as the one to buy tickets for the prawn boil. Then Pretty Sis remembered the best […]

Home-cooking: Simple Boiled Spot Prawn with Broiled Heads

Last Saturday was the 7th annual Spot Prawn Festival held at False Creek Fisherman’s Wharf near Granville Island.  It starts at 12pm and Pretty Sis and I arrived at 1pm. The lineups were INSANELY LONG when we arrived.  Good thing we didn’t pre-purchase tickets either for the Prawn Boil, cuz neither of us had the patience […]