Phnom Penh 金邊小館

After hearing so much about the chicken wings and Butter Beef at Phnom Penh, I was finally able to go to try them out!  I think we over-ordered though.  Way too much food for 2 people. Phnom Penh is a Cambodian/Vietnamese restaurant, but they also make food from other regions too as you shall see. […]

Aoyama Cafe

Update Jan 8, 2014: This restaurant is now closed. For O’s birthday she wanted to eat at the new Aoyama Cafe at Aberdeen Centre.  They advertise that they serve the Japanese brand of UCC Coffee’s, and that the LA branch was voted top 5 coffee shops over there.  Naturally, all of this makes you think […]

Tapioca Express

Update Jul 2, 2013: This restaurant is now closed. I’ve been going to Tapioca Express since I was in high school.  I haven’t been there very often since but I know for a fact that some of the guys I knew in high school that haven’t seem to have gone forward with their lives (harsh […]

Chapinlandia Guatemalan Restaurant

Update: This restaurant is now closed. Wendy and I really enjoy coming to Washington States many times a year.  One is to get away from the city, and more importantly, we love the deals that can be found at the malls and outlets!  We also get to try things that are not available back home […]

Cafe Sevilla, Downtown San Diego

Since we were down in San Diego, where there is a prominent Mexican population and restaurant scene, I originally wanted to try a Mexican restaurant.  However, some of my companions said that Mexican cuisine smells, so they didn’t want to try it.  So to please everyone, I had to pick something else. I thought Spanish […]

Burger King: Get ANGRY for $1.40!!

Back again to the Burger King!  After our positive reviews the last couple of times have encouraged us to return once more!  This time the new promotion is the ANGRY SPICY CHICKEN!  There’s an Angry Whopper too!  But tonight, Wendy and I were not too hungry so we just shared one Angry Chicken Sandwich.  Needless […]

Cafe D’Lite Express

Last week, the weather in Vancouver became unbearingly hot (to me and Wendy!).  Most homes in Vancouver are not equipped with air conditioners so that makes things worse than other locations elsewhere that receive more annual sunshine.  Fans and A/Cs were being swept off shelves during these times.  I couldn’t even go buy a fan […]

Tri-ty 翠緹

Wow this post is long over-due.  I first came here with Fannypack during one of our BCIT dinners.  I was going to take her to try Taiwanese Beef Noodle at Dinesty but it was closed when we went, so we went across the street to try this place, to see if they have it. They […]

Celsius Cafe 匯

Update Feb 11, 2011 – This restaurant is now closed. Driving down No. 3 one day, Boyfriend and I noticed a new restaurant where Montreal’s Roast Chicken used to be (never had a chance to try that one by the way…).  It seems like a HK-Style Cafe and we all know how much I love […]