Boyfriend and I always like to give a visit to Target and Walmart whenever we go to the States. They always have much better deals there and sometimes we find things that are only available in the US. Specifically, I’m usually only interested in the food items.
This particular time we went, in the soft drink aisle, we found this.
Now I’ve always loved creamsicle, whether in candy, soft drink, or slushie form. This immediately caught my eye and even though it was a bit pricey ($5.99USD for pack of 4), I had to have it.
It was indeed creamy deliciousness. Out of the bottle it is a pastel orange color. I wished it was a bit more carbonated but I guess that’s hard to do with the addition of cream/milk into the product. My other gripe was that it’s a bit too sweet, but that’s expected.
I urge anyone that like creamsicles to try it. This is indeed very unique and I’ll likely buy it again if I see it. I’ll probably try the A&W Root Beer Float version too if I find it.

Yes, wife and I go to Walmart and Target too everytime we head south. I particularly like looking at the snack isle. I think I bring back more snacks then merchandise!
LOL, you and boyfriend always go to Target/Walmart when you’re in the States? You’re really a kindred spirit.
And yes, I usually spend an inordinate amount of time in the food aisles checking out the new products. Have you tried the Target organic brand called Archer? They make some great tastings snacks and drinks.
Not sure if I’m into the Sunkist float though but I would be interested in trying the root beer float. Maybe I’ll give it try when I visit in a couple of weeks.