Cafe D’Lite Express

Last week, the weather in Vancouver became unbearingly hot (to me and Wendy!).  Most homes in Vancouver are not equipped with air conditioners so that makes things worse than other locations elsewhere that receive more annual sunshine.  Fans and A/Cs were being swept off shelves during these times.  I couldn’t even go buy a fan […]

Sensus Bistro Revisited

Update Jun 21, 2012: This restaurant is now closed. It has been a while since we last visited Sensus.  Business has picked up since we’ve last been here.  We had to wait about 10mins for seat.  However, the head waitress here was very nice.  She kept coming to reassure us that we’ll have a table […]

Hot Pot and Chinese Cuisine recommendations for Catherine

I’ve recently received a question from a Bellingham resident regarding Chinese cuisine.  Just so it’s easier for her to see my reply, I will post it here. Here’s her question: “I am from Bellingham and would like to learn about real Chinese cuisine. The options that I have here are nothing like what you present. […]

Celsius Cafe 匯

Update Feb 11, 2011 – This restaurant is now closed. Driving down No. 3 one day, Boyfriend and I noticed a new restaurant where Montreal’s Roast Chicken used to be (never had a chance to try that one by the way…).  It seems like a HK-Style Cafe and we all know how much I love […]

Dessert Dynasty

Lately I’ve been going to Metrotown Centre to wait for Boyfriend to get off work.  As he gets off half an hour after me, we have been carpooling and it’s been great. What else is great is that most of those days I’ve been having Bubble Tea.  Oh, wait…did I say that’s a good thing?? […]

Deli Nippon

Update: This restaurant is now closed. Someone has left a message on multiple food blogs regarding this place.  I was wary at first since the gist of the message is basically the same.  However, since it was ramen related, my interest was peaked. As you can see it’s a small place.  4 tables in total.  […]

West Lake Vietnamese Restaurant

Update Jan 3, 2013: This restaurant is now closed. Boyfriend and I enjoy going to West Lake because they’re open late, and they have Afternoon Tea/Late Night menus that includes a drink. They also make decent food and service is pretty ok, considering it’s a Asian-ran restaurant. Prices are among the best in Vietnamese food […]

Aberdeen Centre Food Court Quickie

Nothing like grabbing a quick snack at the food court when you are starving. Fast, cheap, goes down fast and hopefully not-so-fast out. Wendy and I decided to pay a trip to Aberdeen Centre’s food court. I believe this is probably the best Asian food court, not because of the food offerings, but because of […]

Chiffon Again

Update: This restaurant is now closed. The gang and I had an outing to do a photoshoot last weekend.  It was quite sunny that day so by the end of it we were exhausted, hungry, and hot.  M mentioned during the shoot that she would love to have a cup of bubble tea in her […]

Sushi Garden

Feeling like sushi, so I dragged L with me after work for some.  She recommended Sushi Garden in Burnaby, as it was close to our work.  It’s supposedly good and cheap food. We expected it to be busy and it was, but the wait wasn’t too bad.  5-10 minutes only.  It was a good idea […]