Wendy and I really wanted to try the Milestone’s promotion of “Couple’s Night’ last Wednesday. But because I get off work at 8PM and could make it back into Richmond by 8:30PM, it was too late. The waiting list was quite long and they stopped taking names. So, we walked over to Boston Pizza to check it out. I haven’t been back to Boston Pizza for about two years now. Not that they are bad, but just never thought of going there. The place has been renovated! And they are large Italian flags hung from many places. They certainly are merchandising their promotion in full force.
As for starters, the Orange Dreamsicle was excellent! I remember Wendy’s Sunkist float bottled drink a month back and this seemed like a good item to do a comparison. BP definitely got the dreamsicle taste just right. I thoroughly enjoyed it!!
The pizza was not big at all. They claim it was 10″ but I think it’s a bit shy of that. The Pesto Chicken thin-crust pizza was very satisfying. It didn’t taste “dough-y” at all. Every bite had a piece of chicken in it and the herbs they used in it blended very well with it. I didn’t think they would put enough pesto in it but they did. Very fragrant. Thumbs up for this!
The biggest surprise of the night was the Three Cheese Penne. OMG, thinking of it makes me drool. The garlic bread on the side was pretty good too. It’s unlike the a small spot of garlic you get at Chinese places. Although it looked like it was a definite source of 1000 calories, Wendy and I loved it. I had troubles leaving some for Wendy’s lunch the next day. I will definitely order it again.
The final bill wasn’t so bad. I like western places because they take credit card so I build up my points (I want cash to disappear!!!) The service was good, there were TVs in every corner to keep myself updated with the scores. It is too bad that the promotion will end on May 7th. I will try to make a return before that! Tonight was definitely a night that potentially would have had an happy ending but turned out very satisfying. Good job, BP!